Three baby wraps came off of the OwlFlight warp. One stayed at 14 Mile Farm to carry the little girl for whom it was designed. One went home to a land of sand and saguaro cactus. And one traveled the country.
There's something very special about seeing my child using/wearing/snuggling a thing that I made. Maybe you know the feeling, too? I grew her in my body, my body feeds and sustains her, and these things my hands made are keeping her warm and safe.
Resting on snow...
Mirroring the colors of the Alaskan cusp of winter-into-spring.
Visits with dinosaurs!
And to botanical gardens...
Amongst the roses blooming in Oregon's spring.
I designed this warp as my daughter's legacy warp (you can read the story here) and our piece will eventually be chopped up and resewn into a blanket for her bed. It was the first baby wrap I designed, though the second I completed.
It was a ridiculously rewarding experience sending a piece of this warp - a piece of my motherheart really - traveling to snuggle other mamas and babes. This one found a home with a mama for whom it is a special reminder of her grandmother, which warms my heart that much more, but I definitely plan on continuing to send the occasional wrap around the country (perhaps even around the world!) to soak up love in exchange for love.
*Join us in the chatter group to hear about future traveling wraps!*