This was a super fun cowl to weave. I'd been saving up a very special yarn remnant to use as weft on it for months....
You may remember, way back last summer, I dyed the warp for Unconditional. It was my entry for the Great Competition of Weavers at IBC Atlanta: the themed competition required an ombre and/or monochrome element in the submission. Well, the structure I used required what is known as parallel threading - every other warp thread being color A and every other warp thread being color B. One color was a deep maroon of mother's love, and the other warp color was an ombre grad from mostly blues to mostly greens. The cakes of yarn are pictured above. As I wound the warp, I wound the leftover bits onto a pirn to save for this project. So the ombre that goes warp wise on Unconditional became an ombre that goes weft-wise on this cowl on Surfacing.
I love that the shift from blues to greens speaks to the heart of Surfacing, to that liminal space between the depths of the sea and the verdant hills above.
This cowl is 100% long staple Egyptian cotton that is super soft and soapy. It is one of the only pieces that will be publicly available in the shop off of the full Surfacing warp, although I may sneak in a scarf-only warp in the Surfacing colorways because there is just so much I want to play with!